Thursday, February 23, 2012


Herders in front of Botha Bothe Prison
Sometimes I have days where it just feels so normal here to me and I think that there really isn't much of a difference between here and home.  BUT then I walk into town and see huge herds of cows and sheep walking down the main street, the herd boys and men wrapped up in tons of blankets, hats and boots.  Wearing all these clothes on a day when I am hot in a T-shirt, it amazes me.  They wear all these clothes because they have to carry them, being out with their animals for many days.  Anyway, once again I am reminded of how different things are from home.  These men saw me walking and asked me to "shoot" them with my camera.  Sometimes they look so tough and then they light up like children when they see their photos.  Digital cameras are so much fun here.
     I can't believe the support that has been received in just a few days from family and friends at home.  All of you who have donated to our building project at school, thank you so much.  In order to cut back on costs we hired a builder, Ntate Lefu, instead of a contractor.  This means that my principal and I are basically acting as the contractors, purchasing materials and coordinating everyone.  I am learning a lot and trying to help, but she is basically in charge.  We check in each day with the builder and then make sure that he has the materials here for the project.  He is moving so fast, we can't keep up.  In just a week we already have walls, windows, doors, foundation, etc.  We are actually trying to slow them down a bit because we still have to wait for the Peace Corps Partnership Grant money (that is your donations) to come before we can start the plumbing and electrical work!  I know people are really happy to get work here, unemployment rate is around 45%, and the sooner they get done the sooner they get paid.  I am hoping to have all of our grant money within the next week or two, if you haven't donated and would like to the link is:

Lefu and building crew
 Otherwise things are rolling along at school.  I spent the week with our more severely disabled class, my favorites.  We worked a lot on toileting, washing, and staying clean here.  Having a new class with a bathroom will be great for those students.  It is impossible for 1 teacher to take all 12 of them to the bathroom, carry buckets of water in for washing hands, etc.  Many of these students are non verbal and we practiced using pictures to communicate.  It has been a tiring but fun week.

Learning how to eat candy, bad I know, but every kid
should know how!
One of our new students, such a cutie.

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